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공훈으로 성공한 사람들의 비밀, 지금 알아보세요!

공훈 - 당신의 이름(현철)ㅣ불타는 트롯맨


공훈은 한 나라의 국민이 사회발전, 국가방위, 문화예술 등에서 특별한 공헌을 한 경우에 그 공헌에 대한 사회적 평가와 격려의 의미로 주어지는 명예상입니다. 보통은 정부가 수여하며, 국가의 민주화와 개방화에 따라 공훈 수여 대상도 대중적인 관심을 받고 있습니다. 이번 기사에서는 공훈에 대해 자세히 알아보겠습니다.

공훈의 의미와 역사적 배경

공훈은 조선시대부터 존재했던 지식인 앞에서 공로와 남녀노소 주는 별칭으로, 처음으로 명예적 의미로 공식화된 것은 1949년 2월 체제에서 출생자녀 및 군인의 식민지 전쟁에서 안무했던 인사에 대해서 주어졌습니다. 그 후 ‘장애물하지 않고 끊임없이 나아가는 인내와 결단력, 모든 유형의 공부와 역량을 갖춘 성취와 창의력, 현업에서 본성과 어울리는 지각력과 언어실력을 가진 사람들을 위한 훈장’이라는 훈장으로 본격화되었습니다.

공훈의 수여 기준과 절차

공훈 수여의 기준은 일반적으로 문화, 예술, 경제, 사회, 국방에 대한 특별한 공헌으로 구분되며, 각 분야별 수여 기준은 정부의 고시에 따라 연령, 성별, 지역, 경력, 성적 적합성과 같은 다양한 요인을 종합적으로 고려하는 것이 일반적입니다. 또한 미약한 수준에서 물노령, 관습과 신념, 이데올로기 이론, 민족문화의 유지와 발전, 국황의 수호 등에도 공훈이 수여될 수 있습니다.

공훈 수상자들의 성과와 업적

공훈은 성과와 업적 여부가 수여 기준이 되며, 이에 따라 수상자들은 각자의 분야에서 높은 업적을 이루기도 합니다. 예를 들어, 박민수는 제 40회 백상예술대상, MBC 방송연예대상, SBS 연예대상, KBS 연예대상, 대한민국분야학술상, 대상 등을 수상하며, 발탁과 동시에 공훈 수상을 기약하고 있습니다. 신성, 에녹 또한 본래 단순한 가수보다는 영화나 드라마, 뮤지컬 등 다양한 예술영역에서 활약하며, 공훈 수상을 이루는 데 그 성과와 업적이 컸습니다.

공훈 명단 및 각 공훈별 특징

공훈 명단은 정부의 고시를 통해 발표됩니다. 이 중 대표적인 공훈으로는 대한민국 최초의 공훈인 독립유공자의 명예훈장, 6.25전쟁에서 특별한 공헌을 한 분들에게 수여되는 전과장옥, 군대에서 특별한 업적을 세운 병사들에게 수여되는 인사장교장옥 등이 있습니다.

독립유공자의 명예훈장은 1949년에 수여되었으며, 대한민국 최초의 공훈으로 존재감을 드러내고 있습니다. 이후 공훈이 다양화되면서 연구자, 교사, 대외관계 집행자 등에게 다양한 공훈이 수여될 수 있게 되었습니다.

공훈의 사례와 선례

공훈 수상자들은 그들의 성과와 업적에 따라 그들의 재능과 능력을 증명하고 있습니다. 박민수, 신성 및 에녹은 다양한 예술영역에서 매우 높은 성과를 이루며, 이들은 대표적으로 공훈 수상을 이루는 데 필요한 기준으로 취급됩니다. 신성은 그가 갈증을 느낄 때마다 음악으로 적극적으로 재활용하는 나눔FM의 본사에서 자원봉사를 수행하여 그의 인기를 높이고 있습니다. 에녹은 그의 앨범의 본래 컨셉트에 따라 극적인 연출을 통해 전투 메시지를 전달하여 수많은 팬들의 인기와 지지를 받고 있습니다.

공훈 수여의 사회적 의의와 역할

공훈은 수상자들에게 큰 여파와 영광을 가져다 주며, 이들은 이를 기반으로 개인 단위에서 창작운동을 이루어내는 과정에서 사회 발전의 중추적 역할을 맡습니다. 공훈 수상의 의의와 역할은 주요한 선언으로 공훈 수상자들은 모범인간으로부터 통합된 정신성을 유지하고, 사회적 서열에서 설왕설향의 묘기를 누적하여 업적을 이루어내며, 공유경제 시대에 따른 역할 창출에 보다 적극적으로 기여하는 역할을 합니다.

공훈의 현재와 미래 전망

공훈은 한국의 역사적인 재능과 노력을 인정하는 장으로써 더욱 미래 지향적인 역할을 할 수 있을 것입니다. 박민수, 신성 및 에녹 등 대표적인 수상자들은 이미 공훈에 대한 수상 경험을 거치면서 향후에는 보다 체계적인 다채로운 종류의 공훈이 수여될 것으로 보입니다.


Q: 박민수의 나이는 어떻게 되나요?
A: 박민수는 1993년 3월 15일 출생으로 2021년 기준 28살입니다.

Q: 신성과 에녹은 어떤 예술 분야에서 활동하고 있나요?
A: 신성과 에녹 둘 다 가수이며, 다양한 예술영역에서 활동하고 있습니다.

Q: 불타는 트롯맨은 무엇인가요?
A: 불타는 트롯맨은 TV를 통해 방송되는 트롯 가수 찾기 프로젝트입니다.

Q: 불타는 트롯맨 순위는 어떻게 결정되나요?
A: 불타는 트롯맨 순위는 실시간 투표에 따라 결정됩니다.

Q: 불타는 트롯맨 시청률은 얼마나 되나요?
A: 불타는 트롯맨 시청률은 프로그램 방영 시기에 따라 다를 수 있지만, 일반적으로 매우 높은 시청률을 기록합니다.

Q: 박민수는 가수공훈을 수여받은 적이 있나요?
A: 아직 박민수는 가수공훈을 수여받은 적이 없습니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 공훈 박민수 나이, 신성, 에녹, 불타는 트롯맨 순위, 불타는 트롯맨 시청률, 박민수 가수

Categories: Top 55 공훈

공훈 – 당신의 이름(현철)ㅣ불타는 트롯맨

여기에서 자세히 보기:

박민수 나이

박민수 나이 (Park Min-soo’s age) is a topic that has often been discussed among Korean entertainment fans. 박민수 or Park Min-soo is a popular actor known for his versatility as a performer. From playing serious roles to comedic ones, he has shown his talent in various genres. His age has been a subject of curiosity, especially for those who want to know more about his personal life. In this article, we will delve deeper into 박민수 나이 or Park Min-soo’s age, including facts, rumors, and FAQs.

Park Min-soo’s Early Life and Career

Park Min-soo was born on May 24, 1991, in Busan, South Korea. He graduated from Dong-Ah Broadcasting College in 2011 and started his career as an actor in 2013. He made his debut in a KBS2 drama special titled “Why I’m Getting Married” and went on to play small roles in other dramas such as “Marriage, Not Dating,” “Blood,” and “My Love Eun Dong.”

In 2015, he gained recognition for his role in the drama “My Beautiful Bride” as the younger brother of the female lead. He also appeared in the historical drama “Six Flying Dragons” as the son of the main villain. He impressed viewers with his acting skills and received positive feedback from critics. Since then, he has landed more significant roles in dramas and films.

Park Min-soo’s Age: The Rumors

There have been many rumors regarding Park Min-soo’s age. Some have speculated that he is older, while others believe that he is younger than what is publicly known. The speculations started when his actual age was not disclosed to the public. However, with thorough research and investigation, the truth about his age has been revealed.

The Truth about Park Min-soo’s Age

On May 24, 2022, Park Min-soo celebrated his 31st birthday, which confirms that he was born in 1991. His age has been confirmed not only by his official website but also by reputable sources.

Park Min-soo’s Age and His Acting Career

Park Min-soo’s age has never been a hindrance to his acting career. He has played characters younger and older than his actual age, and he has done an excellent job in portraying them convincingly.

In his recent romantic comedy drama, “Nevertheless,” he played the role of Nam Kyu-hyun, a college professor who falls in love with the female lead. Despite being younger than the lead actress, he was able to show his maturity and the depth of his character’s emotions.

Park Min-soo has proven himself to be a versatile actor who can adapt to any role given to him. His age is just a number, and it has never limited him in his acting career.

Park Min-soo’s Age and His Personal Life

Park Min-soo’s age is a topic of interest not only among fans but also those who are curious about his personal life. Many have wondered if he is married or in a relationship. However, Park Min-soo has kept his personal life private and has not made any public announcements regarding his relationship status.


Q: What is Park Min-soo’s age?
A: Park Min-soo was born on May 24, 1991, which makes him 31 years old.

Q: Has park Min-soo ever revealed his age?
A: Park Min-soo has not publicly revealed his age, but it has been confirmed through research and reputable sources.

Q: Has Park Min-soo’s age affected his acting career?
A: Park Min-soo’s age has never been a hindrance to his acting career. He has played characters younger and older than his actual age and has never limited himself in his roles.

Q: Is Park Min-soo married or in a relationship?
A: Park Min-soo has not made any public statements regarding his relationship status and has kept his personal life private.


Park Min-soo’s age has been a topic of curiosity among Korean entertainment fans. However, with research and reputable sources, it has been confirmed that he was born in 1991, making him 31 years old. His age has never limited his acting career, and he has shown his versatility as an actor by playing characters younger and older than his actual age. Despite his achievement in the entertainment industry, he has kept his personal life private, and fans continue to support him in his career.


신성, pronounced “shin-sung,” is a deeply ingrained concept in Korean culture. It refers to the sacred and divine, encompassing various aspects of reverence and respect for all that is seen as holy and essential. In this article, we will explore the meaning of 신성 in Korean culture and how it permeates daily life.

Origins of 신성

The concept of 신성 has its roots in ancient Korean shamanism, which held that various spiritual forces and beings could be placated and communicated with to ensure prosperity, health, and good fortune. Over time, many of these shamanistic practices were absorbed into the practices of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, which became the dominant religions of Korea.

In these religions, the concept of 신성 became broader and more complex, encompassing both earthly and heavenly realms. The idea of an overarching, divine force that permeated all things became a central tenet, with individuals striving to live in harmony with this force.

Today, 신성 is still an essential aspect of Korean culture, even as religion becomes less central to daily life. Traditional spiritual practices continue to be observed, and concepts of respect and reverence for the sacred remain a fundamental part of Korean identity.

The Importance of 신성 in Daily Life

The importance of 신성 in daily life can be seen in various aspects of Korean culture, from food and drink to clothing and family relationships.

One primary aspect of 신성 is the concept of “purity.” This refers not only to physical cleanliness but also to the purity of one’s intentions and interactions with the world. Koreans view the world as being filled with both positive and negative energies, and therefore striving to maintain a sense of purity is essential for maintaining balance.

This emphasis on purity can be seen in various aspects of daily life, such as the meticulous cleaning of homes, the ritual washing of hands before meals, and the practice of bowing to one another as a sign of respect.

Another important aspect of 신성 is the concept of “filial piety.” This refers to the deep-seated respect and reverence for one’s elders and ancestors. In traditional Korean culture, the family is seen as the most important unit, with children expected to honor and care for their parents and grandparents.

Filial piety is seen as a way of maintaining harmony and balance in the family and society as a whole. It is not uncommon to see elderly parents living with their adult children and grandchildren, who take on the responsibility of caring for them in their old age.

Many aspects of Korean culture, from the importance of ancestor worship to the practice of crafting elaborate memorial altars, are rooted in the concept of filial piety.

In addition to filial piety, 신성 also plays a role in the way Koreans view nature and the world around them. The concept of “harmony” is essential, with individuals striving to live in balance with the natural world and the divine forces that govern it. This can be seen in the practice of feng shui, which involves arranging one’s home and surroundings in a way that maximizes harmony and balance.


Q: Is 신성 the same as religion?
A: While 신성 is often associated with religion, it is a broader concept. It encompasses a deep sense of respect and reverence for all that is seen as sacred and divine. In Korean culture, this can include traditional spiritual practices as well as behaviors and attitudes in everyday life.

Q: What is the significance of bowing in Korean culture?
A: Bowing is seen as a sign of respect and reverence in Korean culture. It is an essential part of everyday interactions, from greeting someone you meet on the street to showing respect to one’s elders. Bowing is also an essential part of many traditional ceremonies and rituals.

Q: How does 신성 manifest in Korean food and drink?
A: Food and drink are seen as sources of nourishment for both the body and the soul. Koreans believe that the way food is prepared and consumed can impact its spiritual properties. For example, many traditional dishes are prepared with a great deal of care, with specific ingredients and techniques used to promote balance and harmony.

Q: What is the importance of ancestor worship in Korean culture?
A: Ancestor worship is an essential part of Korean culture, tied to the concept of filial piety. Koreans believe that their ancestors continue to watch over and protect them even after death, and therefore it is essential to honor and care for them. Ancestor worship involves various practices, such as setting up elaborate memorial altars and performing regular rituals and ceremonies to honor the dead.

Q: How does 신성 impact Korean attitudes towards nature?
A: Koreans view nature as a divine force that must be respected and cared for. The practice of feng shui, which involves arranging one’s surroundings for optimal harmony and balance, is one way in which Koreans seek to live in harmony with nature. Many traditional ceremonies and rituals also involve offerings to the natural world and its divine forces.

In conclusion, 신성 is a fundamental part of Korean culture, encompassing a deep sense of respect and reverence for all that is seen as sacred and divine. It impacts various aspects of daily life, from family relationships to food and drink to attitudes towards nature. While the concept of 신성 has its roots in ancient shamanistic practices, it continues to play a central role in Korean identity even as religion becomes less central to daily life.


에녹(Enoch) is an important figure in the Bible, mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. He was the seventh generation from Adam and the father of Methuselah, who lived to be 969 years old. Enoch lived a life that was pleasing to God, so much so that he did not experience death. Instead, he was taken up to heaven directly by God. In this article, we will explore who Enoch was, his significance in the Bible, and answer some frequently asked questions about this biblical figure.

Who was Enoch?

Enoch was born to Jared and lived 365 years according to the Bible. He was a faithful believer in God who spent his life walking in close fellowship with God. This is emphasized in Genesis 5:24 which states, “Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” This passage tells us that God had blessed Enoch’s life and rewarded him with the ultimate gift, to be in God’s presence for eternity.

Enoch played an important role in the history of the human race. The Bible says that Enoch was a prophet and teacher. He was known for preaching righteousness to his contemporaries, calling them to faith in God and to live a life pleasing to Him. His message was one of repentance and turning away from sin. Enoch’s message was so powerful that his influence was felt even after his death. The words of the prophet Jude in the New Testament book of Jude 1:14-15, quote directly from Enoch’s message:

“It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, ‘Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.’”

Enoch’s role as a prophet is significant because it helped turn the hearts of people towards God, away from sin and ungodliness.

The Significance of Enoch in the Bible

Enoch is significant in the Bible for several reasons. Firstly, Enoch’s life was characterized by his close relationship with God. The Bible tells us that God was pleased with Enoch’s life, so much so that he was taken directly to heaven. This demonstrates the importance of living a life of faith and obedience. The life of Enoch teaches us that we should strive to walk in close fellowship with God, at all times, and in all circumstances.

Secondly, Enoch is significant in the Bible because of his role as a prophet. Enoch’s message of repentance and turning away from sin was powerful and had a lasting impact, influencing others to follow in his footsteps. The prophet Jude emphasized this message further in his letter, calling the people to a life of repentance and faith in God.

Lastly, Enoch’s significance in the Bible can be seen in his genealogy. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam, and his son Methuselah was the longest-lived person on earth, living for 969 years. Enoch’s genealogy is significant because it shows the continuity of the human race from Adam to Noah, and ultimately to the birth of Jesus Christ.

Frequently Asked Questions about Enoch

1. Why was Enoch taken up to the heaven instead of dying?

Enoch’s life was characterized by his faith and obedience to God. The Bible tells us that Enoch was taken up to heaven because God was pleased with his life. He did not experience the pains of death because he lived his life in accordance with God’s will, and God rewarded him by taking him to be with Him.

2. Was Enoch the first person to ascend to heaven without dying?

Enoch was not the first person to ascend to heaven without dying. Elijah is another Old Testament figure who was taken up to heaven without experiencing death, as recorded in 2 Kings 2:11-12.

3. Why is Enoch’s message still relevant today?

Enoch’s message of repentance and turning away from sin is still relevant today. The message that Enoch preached is as important today as it was in his time. His message has the power to impact us and to help us turn our hearts towards God. Enoch’s message is a reminder that we need to turn to God, seek His forgiveness, and live our lives in accordance with His will.

4. What can we learn from Enoch’s life?

We can learn several lessons from Enoch’s life. Firstly, the importance of living a life of faith and obedience to God. Secondly, the power of a prophetic message that calls people to repentance and faith in God. Lastly, the continuity of the human race from the time of Adam to the birth of Jesus Christ.


Enoch’s life was characterized by his close relationship with God and his prophetic message. The Bible tells us that Enoch was taken directly to heaven because of his faith and obedience to God. Enoch’s message of repentance and turning away from sin was powerful and had a lasting impact, influencing others to follow in his footsteps. Enoch’s genealogy is significant because it shows the continuity of the human race from Adam to Noah, and ultimately to the birth of Jesus Christ. Enoch’s life and message continue to inspire us to live a life of faith and obedience to God, turning our hearts towards Him and living a life pleasing in His sight.

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공훈 - 당신의 이름(현철)ㅣ불타는 트롯맨
공훈 – 당신의 이름(현철)ㅣ불타는 트롯맨

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공훈 - 당신의 이름 (원곡가수 현철) - Youtube
공훈 – 당신의 이름 (원곡가수 현철) – Youtube
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공훈 프로필 가수 집 고향 어머니 아버지 할머니
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불타는 트롯맨] 72번 공훈 Mbn 221220 방송 – Youtube
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클린버전】개인전_공훈 – 눈물의 블루스 | 🔥불타는 트롯맨 10화🔥 230221 – Youtube
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공훈 On Apple Music
공훈 On Apple Music
조선인민군공훈합창단 = The Korean People'S Army Merited Chorus – 조선인민군공훈합창단 (제6집) =  The Korean People'S Army Merited State Chorus (Vol.6) (2000, Cd) - Discogs
조선인민군공훈합창단 = The Korean People’S Army Merited Chorus – 조선인민군공훈합창단 (제6집) = The Korean People’S Army Merited State Chorus (Vol.6) (2000, Cd) – Discogs
공훈, 밝은 미소 - 뉴스1
공훈, 밝은 미소 – 뉴스1
공훈, 비대면 신원확인 기술특허 13건 등록 < 정책·사회·종합 < 뉴스 < 기사본문 - 테크월드뉴스 - 조명의 기자
공훈, 비대면 신원확인 기술특허 13건 등록 < 정책·사회·종합 < 뉴스 < 기사본문 - 테크월드뉴스 - 조명의 기자
72번 공훈 무대 모음Zip] 속이 뻥✨ 뚫리는 정통 트롯 대세! #불타는트롯맨 #공훈 #레전드무대 - Youtube
72번 공훈 무대 모음Zip] 속이 뻥✨ 뚫리는 정통 트롯 대세! #불타는트롯맨 #공훈 #레전드무대 – Youtube
돌팔매 공훈
돌팔매 공훈
이것이 전통 트로트!! 심사위원들은 그저 흐뭇~♥ 공훈 - 사랑은 얄미운 나비인가봐 [트롯전국체전] | Kbs 210109 방송 -  Youtube
이것이 전통 트로트!! 심사위원들은 그저 흐뭇~♥ 공훈 – 사랑은 얄미운 나비인가봐 [트롯전국체전] | Kbs 210109 방송 – Youtube
트롯모범생' 공훈, 연예인판정단 전원 몰표→'불트'상금 5억 돌파
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대한민국독립운동공훈사 (大韓民國獨立運動功勳史) 1-4(전4권) - 예스24
대한민국독립운동공훈사 (大韓民國獨立運動功勳史) 1-4(전4권) – 예스24
돌팔매 공훈
돌팔매 공훈
공훈 .. 당신의 이름은 .. 안 잊혀져 .. 안 잊혀져 .. 안 잊혀져 .. #Shorts|불타는 트롯맨 6회 - Youtube
공훈 .. 당신의 이름은 .. 안 잊혀져 .. 안 잊혀져 .. 안 잊혀져 .. #Shorts|불타는 트롯맨 6회 – Youtube
조선인민군공훈합창단 = The Korean People'S Army Merited Chorus – 조선인민군공훈합창단 (제6집) =  The Korean People'S Army Merited State Chorus (Vol.6) (2000, Cd) - Discogs
조선인민군공훈합창단 = The Korean People’S Army Merited Chorus – 조선인민군공훈합창단 (제6집) = The Korean People’S Army Merited State Chorus (Vol.6) (2000, Cd) – Discogs
못난놈 공훈
못난놈 공훈
불타는 트롯맨' 손태진·신성·민수현·김중연·박민수·공훈·에녹,
불타는 트롯맨’ 손태진·신성·민수현·김중연·박민수·공훈·에녹, “Top7이 왔다” 멋짐+큐티 포토타임 – 비하인드
최초공개! 공훈 일냈다! 준결승 개인전 1등찍었네! 간드러지는 꺾기로 무대 제대로 찢었다! 이대로라면 결승진출! 공훈 눈물의블루스  불타는트롯맨 - Youtube
최초공개! 공훈 일냈다! 준결승 개인전 1등찍었네! 간드러지는 꺾기로 무대 제대로 찢었다! 이대로라면 결승진출! 공훈 눈물의블루스 불타는트롯맨 – Youtube
영상] 손태진·신성·박민수·공훈·김중연·민수현·에녹ㅣMbn 예능프로그램 '불타는 트롯맨' 기자간담회 포토타임 < 동영상 <  방송/연예/스포츠 < 방송/연예/스포츠/라이프 < 기사본문 - 서울와이어
영상] 손태진·신성·박민수·공훈·김중연·민수현·에녹ㅣMbn 예능프로그램 ‘불타는 트롯맨’ 기자간담회 포토타임 < 동영상 < 방송/연예/스포츠 < 방송/연예/스포츠/라이프 < 기사본문 - 서울와이어

Article link: 공훈.

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