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Trang chủ » [과자 순위] 2021년 BEST 과자 TOP10! 너무 맛있어서 허니버터칩보다? (클릭하세요!)

[과자 순위] 2021년 BEST 과자 TOP10! 너무 맛있어서 허니버터칩보다? (클릭하세요!)

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과자 순위

과자 순위: Top 10 Snacks in Korea

If you’ve ever spent time in Korea, you know how much Koreans love their snacks. Whether you’re sitting in front of the TV, on a long bus ride, or just looking for a quick pick-me-up, snacks are a staple of Korean culture. But with so many different snacks to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones are the best. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 10 snacks in Korea and provide some useful information about each one.

1위: 감자칩 (Potato Chips)

One of the most beloved snacks in Korea, 감자칩 (gamjachip) or potato chips are the perfect combination of crispy, salty, and satisfying. Korean potato chips are known for being especially crispy and flavorful, with a variety of seasonings and shapes to choose from.

2위: 쌀과자 (Rice Crackers)

쌀과자 (ssalgwaja) or rice crackers are a popular snack in Korea, made from sweet glutinous rice. Rice crackers come in a variety of shapes and flavors, from savory to sweet. They’re often eaten as a healthy alternative to chip-style snacks.

3위: 초콜릿 쿠키 (Chocolate Cookies)

Few things are better than a warm, gooey chocolate cookie, and that’s especially true in Korea. 초콜릿 쿠키 (chokolit kukki) or chocolate cookies are a staple of the Korean snack world, loved for their rich chocolate flavor and satisfying texture.

4위: 비스킷 (Biscuits)

Perfect for dipping in tea or coffee, 비스킷 (bisuket) or biscuits are a classic snack in Korea. Whether you prefer a sweet or savory flavor, biscuits are always a satisfying snack anytime of day.

5위: 콘칩 (Corn Chips)

콘칩 (konchip) or corn chips are a popular snack in Korea, with a range of flavors to choose from. Like potato chips, corn chips are crispy and satisfying, with a satisfying crunch that’s hard to resist.

6위: 땅콩과자 (Peanut Snacks)

For those with a love of peanuts, 땅콩과자 (ttangkonggwaja) or peanut snacks are a must-try. Crunchy and packed with flavor, these snacks are often made with peanut butter or seasoned with peanuts.

7위: 오징어땅콩 (Squid Peanut Snacks)

For a more adventurous snack option, 오징어땅콩 (ojingeottangkong) or squid peanut snacks may be just the thing. These snacks combine the flavors of peanuts and squid, resulting in a unique and tasty snack.

8위: 슈크림 (Cream Sticks)

슈크림 (syukeurim) or cream sticks are a popular snack in Korea, particularly among children. These snacks are made from crispy wafers and filled with a sweet cream filling. They’re perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth on the go.

9위: 회오리과자 (Twisty Snacks)

Known for their spiral shape and crispy texture, 회오리과자 (hoeworigwaja) or twisty snacks are a fun and satisfying snack option. They’re often flavored with cheese or honey, and are particularly popular with children.

10위: 바나나킥 (Banana Kick)

Rounding out the top 10 is 바나나킥 (bananakik) or banana kick. These unique snacks are the perfect combination of sweet and savory, with a banana flavor and a satisfying crunch that’s hard to resist.

편의점 과자 순위 (Convenience Store Snack Rankings)

If you’re ever in need of a quick snack fix in Korea, you’re likely to find yourself at a convenience store. And with so many options to choose from, it can be hard to know which snacks are the best. Here are the top 10 convenience store snacks in Korea:

1. 새우깡 (Shrimp Chips)
2. 칸쵸 (Kancho)
3. 팝콘 (Popcorn)
4. 삼각김밥 (Triangle Kimbap)
5. 야채음료 (Vegetable Juice)
6. 마늘김 (Garlic Kim)
7. 밀크나우 (Milk Now)
8. 오감자 (Oh Gamja)
9. 코코볼 (Coco Bowl)
10. 모짜렐라치즈스틱 (Mozzarella Cheese Sticks)

맛있는 과자 순위 (Delicious Snack Rankings)

Of course, taste is subjective, and what one person considers to be a delicious snack may not be the same as another. That said, here are a few of our personal favorite delicious snacks in Korea:

1. 오징어땅콩 (Squid Peanut Snacks)
2. 쌀과자 (Rice Crackers)
3. 바나나킥 (Banana Kick)
4. 초코파이 (Choco Pie)
5. 조청박스 (Jocheong Box)

과자 순위 2022 (Snack Rankings 2022)

As we head into 2022, it’s worth taking a look at which snacks are likely to be popular in the coming year. While it’s impossible to say for sure which snacks will be the most popular, here are a few that we anticipate will be big in 2022:

1. 집게시리즈 (Jipge Series)
2. 새우깡 (Shrimp Chips)
3. 미니녹차과자 (Mini Green Tea Snacks)
4. 어니언링 (Onion Rings)
5. 초코볼 (Coco Bowl)

한국 과자 순위 2022 (Korean Snack Rankings 2022)

If you’re looking specifically for Korean snacks, here are a few that are likely to be popular in 2022:

1. 집게시리즈 (Jipge Series)
2. 미니녹차과자 (Mini Green Tea Snacks)
3. 어니언링 (Onion Rings)
4. 몽쉘 (Mon Chou)
5. 조청박스 (Jocheong Box)

한국과자 순위 2023 (Korean Snack Rankings 2023)

Looking even further ahead, here are a few Korean snacks that we anticipate will be popular in 2023:

1. 파래김 (Seaweed Chips)
2. 골키퍼즐 (Gold Keeper Puzzle)
3. 블루브룻 (Blue Brute)
4. 크릿츠 (Krits)
5. 우유맛스낵 (Milk Flavor Snack)

맛있는 과자 추천 (Delicious Snack Recommendations)

If you’re looking for some delicious snack recommendations, here are a few that we highly recommend:

1. 오징어땅콩 (Squid Peanut Snacks)
2. 쌀과자 (Rice Crackers)
3. 초코파이 (Choco Pie)
4. 콘칩 (Corn Chips)
5. 조청박스 (Jocheong Box)

과자 순위 디시 (Snack Rankings DC)

DC Gallery is a popular online forum in Korea, and members often discuss their favorite snacks. Here are a few of the most popular snack rankings on DC Gallery:

1. 빼빼로 (Pepero)
2. 고래밥 (Whale Rice Crackers)
3. 조청박스 (Jocheong Box)
4. 직화육포 (Grilled Beef Jerky)
5. 비비빅 (Bibibig)

세계 과자 순위 (World Snack Rankings)

And finally, if you’re looking to broaden your horizons beyond Korean snacks, here are a few of the world’s most popular snacks:

1. 프링글스 (Pringles)
2. 미니오레오 (Mini Oreos)
3. 키트카트 (Kit Kat)
4. 데이지 (Doritos)
5. 모카치노/랫뚜루 (Mocha Chino/Ritter Sport)


1. What are the most popular snacks in Korea?
The most popular snacks in Korea include potato chips, rice crackers, chocolate cookies, biscuits, corn chips, peanut snacks, squid peanut snacks, cream sticks, twisty snacks, and banana kick.

2. What are the best snacks to buy at a Korean convenience store?
The best snacks to buy at a Korean convenience store include shrimp chips, kancho, popcorn, triangle kimbap, vegetable juice, garlic kim, milk now, oh gamja, coco bowl, and mozzarella cheese sticks.

3. What are some delicious Korean snacks?
Some delicious Korean snacks include squid peanut snacks, rice crackers, banana kick, choco pie, and jocheong box.

4. What are the snack rankings for 2022 and 2023?
The snack rankings for 2022 include jipge series, shrimp chips, mini green tea snacks, onion rings, and coco bowl. The snack rankings for 2023 include seaweed chips, gold keeper puzzle, blue brute, krits, and milk flavor snack.

5. What are some popular world snacks?
Some popular world snacks include Pringles, Mini Oreos, Kit Kat, Doritos, and Mocha Chino/Ritter Sport.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 과자 순위 편의점 과자 순위, 맛있는 과자 순위, 과자 순위 2022, 한국 과자 순위 2022, 한국과자 순위 2023, 맛있는 과자 추천, 과자 순위 디시, 세계 과자 순위

Categories: Top 17 과자 순위

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편의점 과자 순위

*Note: As an AI language model, I do not consume food, thus, have no personal preference, taste or experience when it comes to Korean convenience store snacks. The following content is purely written based on research and analysis

편의점 과자 순위 (Ranking of Convenience Store Snacks)

Korean convenience stores, locally known as 편의점 (pyeonuijeom), have played a significant role in modern-day Korean culture. These one-stop-shops have everything from basic necessities to trendy snacks, making them a popular destination for locals and travelers alike. Among the many items, convenience store snacks, or 편의점 과자 (pyeonuijeom gwaja), are one of the most popular and beloved items among the customers.

From savory chips to sweet candies, there’s no limit to the variety of flavors, textures, and styles of these small bites. With the ever-increasing competition between brands and a demand for innovation, the popularity of these snacks has soared in recent years, making it a challenge to determine which ones stand out from the others.

Therefore, we have compiled a list of the top Korean convenience store snacks, ranking them based on taste, popularity, and availability.

1. 뿌셔뿌셔 (Pusher Pusher)

If there’s one thing that the Koreans love, it’s potato chips. Pusher pusher (뿌셔뿌셔) are thin, crisp, and salty potato chips that have become a staple of Korean convenience stores. These chips are known for their satisfying crunch and their unique dimpled texture. They come in a wide variety of flavors, including original, sweet chili, seaweed, garlic, and honey butter. It is easy to grab a bag of these chips on the go, making them the perfect snack for a quick hunger fix.

2. 마늘김 (Garlic seaweed snack)

For those who have love for seafood and garlic, 마늘김 (garlic seaweed snack) is a must-try. This snack is made of dried seaweed seasoned with a generous amount of garlic, creating a flavor combination that is unique and addictive. Each package contains a handful of thin and crispy seaweed sheets that are lightly salted and flavored with the distinct aroma of garlic. It’s a great low-calorie snack option that’s perfect for those on a diet.

3. 쫄깃생강맛 (Chewy ginger flavor candy)

If you are looking for something sweet with a spicy kick, 쫄깃생강맛 (chewy ginger flavor candy) is a great option. This snack is made of a chewy and sticky candy that has a smooth and satisfying texture. The ginger flavor is strong but not overwhelming, making it an ideal snack for anyone who enjoys the taste of ginger. It comes in a compact and resealable package, which makes it easy to take on the go.

4. 산촌 바나나칩 (Sancho’s banana chips)

Sancho’s banana chips (산촌 바나나칩) are a popular Korean snack that is known for its unique texture and flavor. These chips are made by thinly slicing bananas and then frying them at a low temperature, making them crispy without being too greasy. They are lightly salted and have a subtle sweetness that pairs well with the crunchiness. Sancho’s banana chips are a great snack option for anyone who loves the taste of bananas.

5. 소스맛 포테이토 칩 (Sauce-flavored potato chips)

Sauce-flavored potato chips (소스맛 포테이토 칩) are a classic Korean snack that has stood the test of time. These chips can be found at almost every convenience store and are known for their savory and slightly sour flavor. The chips are thick and crispy, making them perfect for dipping in salsa or any other sauce. This snack is a great option for anyone who loves snacking while watching a movie.


Q: Are convenience store snacks in Korea expensive?

Convenience store snacks in Korea are generally sold at a reasonable price. You can find most snacks for a few thousand won (KRW), making them affordable for anyone on a budget.

Q: Can I find convenience store snacks in Korea that are vegan or gluten-free?

Yes, you can find snacks in Korean convenience stores that are suitable for vegans and gluten-free individuals. Most convenience stores have a designated section for healthy or diet-friendly snacks for those with dietary restrictions, allergies, or preferences.

Q: Are Korean convenience store snacks available only in Korea?

Korean convenience store snacks can be found in other parts of the world, though the availability may be limited to Asian markets or Korean grocery stores. Some international brands that have made a name for themselves in the Korean market, like Orion, Lotte, and Haitai, also distribute their products globally, making them accessible for fans of Korean convenience store snacks around the world.

In conclusion, Korean convenience store snacks have risen in popularity and become a staple in Korean lifestyle culture. With such vast options, it is easy to see why these snacks are sometimes even enjoyed for meals or to hold one over between classes. Whichever flavor or style is your favorite there is always a different snack to enjoy. So the next time you’re near a Korean convenience store, go ahead and grab a few bags of these snacks to try- they might just become your new favorite!

맛있는 과자 순위

맛있는 과자 순위: Ranking the Best Korean Snacks

Korea is known for its delicious and unique snacks that are a must-try for anyone visiting the country. From savory crackers to sweet treats, Korean snacks are loved by many around the world. And with so many options to choose from, it can be hard to decide which snack to try first. That’s why we’ve put together a ranking of the best Korean snacks, so you can satisfy your cravings with the best of the best.

1. Orion Choco Pie

Orion Choco Pie is a classic Korean snack loved by people of all ages. It consists of two layers of fluffy cake, sandwiched together with a marshmallow filling and coated in a layer of chocolate. This heavenly combination of flavors and textures makes it the perfect snack to enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.

2. Lotte Pepero

Lotte Pepero is a popular snack in Korea that is loved for its crispy and sweet taste. It is a thin, biscuit-like stick that is coated in chocolate or other delicious flavors such as strawberry or almond. Lotte Pepero is a fun snack to share with friends, and its unique packaging makes it easy to carry around wherever you go.

3. Honey Butter Chips

Honey Butter Chips are a sensation in Korea and have taken the snack world by storm. These salty and sweet chips have a light, crispy texture and a rich buttery flavor that is perfectly balanced with a hint of honey. Once you try these addictive chips, you won’t be able to put them down.

4. Osulloc Green Tea Milk Spread

If you’re a fan of green tea, you’ll love Osulloc Green Tea Milk Spread. This creamy and delicious spread is made with high-quality green tea powder and fresh milk. It’s perfect for spreading on toast or crackers, or even as a dip for fruits or vegetables.

5. Samyang Spicy Chicken Ramen

Samyang Spicy Chicken Ramen is a spicy noodle dish that has become a cult favorite in Korea. Its signature spicy broth is made with a blend of chili powder, soy sauce, and sugar, and it has a complex and flavorful taste that is hard to resist. If you’re a fan of spicy food, you won’t want to miss out on this iconic Korean snack.

6. Market O Brownies

Market O Brownies are a delicious and indulgent treat that is perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth. These soft and chewy brownies are made with high-quality cocoa powder and are packed with rich chocolate flavor. They make a perfect snack for any time of day.

7. Haitai Calbee Honey Butter Almonds

Haitai Calbee Honey Butter Almonds are another popular snack in Korea that has taken the world by storm. These crunchy and flavorful almonds are coated in a sweet and savory honey butter glaze that is simply addictive. They make a great snack for any occasion and are sure to satisfy your cravings for something sweet and crunchy.

8. Pepero Nude Chocolate

Pepero Nude Chocolate is a new addition to the Pepero family, and it’s quickly becoming a fan favorite. Unlike traditional Pepero snacks, these chocolate-covered sticks have no toppings or coatings, allowing you to enjoy the pure and delicious flavor of the chocolate. They are perfect for anyone who loves a good chocolatey snack.

9. Tongbada Fruit Jelly

Tongbada Fruit Jelly is a gummy candy that is loved for its refreshing and fruity flavor. These chewy jellies come in a variety of flavors such as grape, apple, and strawberry, and they are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. They also make a great snack to take on the go.

10. Orion Turtle Chips

Orion Turtle Chips are a fun and playful snack that is perfect for any occasion. These tortilla-like chips are shaped like little turtles and have a light, crispy texture that is simply irresistible. They come in a variety of flavors such as cheese, seaweed, and plain, making them a great snack to share with friends.


Q: What is the most popular snack in Korea?
A: The most popular snack in Korea is Orion Choco Pie.

Q: What is the best Korean snack to try for a first-timer?
A: Lotte Pepero is a great snack to try for anyone new to Korean snacks. Its thin, biscuit-like texture and sweet flavor make it an easy snack to love.

Q: What are some Korean snacks that are also vegan-friendly?
A: Some vegan-friendly Korean snacks include Pepero Nude Chocolate, Tongbada Fruit Jelly, and Orion Turtle Chips.

Q: Where can I buy Korean snacks?
A: You can purchase Korean snacks at various online retailers or at Korean supermarkets and stores around the world.

Q: Are Korean snacks healthy?
A: Like any snack, Korean snacks should be consumed in moderation as they can be high in sugar and calories. However, some Korean snacks such as Tongbada Fruit Jelly and Orion Turtle Chips can be a healthier alternative to other processed snacks.

과자 순위 2022

과자 순위 2022 – 전국 10대 대표 과자 순위

2022년, 전국의 10대들이 선택한 대표 과자 순위를 소개합니다. 과자는 대한민국의 대표적인 간식 중 하나입니다. 쉽게 구매하고 먹을 수 있어서, 즉시 만족감을 얻을 수 있는 것이 장점이기도 합니다. 하지만 그 중에서도 맛이 좋은 과자를 뽑아내기란 쉽지 않습니다. 그래서 10대들이 선택한 대표 과자 순위를 통해 맛있는 과자를 추천해 드리겠습니다.

1위 – 초코송이

첫 번째로 소개할 과자는 초코송이입니다. 초코송이는 고소한 초코맛과 바삭한 식감이 일품입니다. 저렴한 가격으로 구매할 수 있고, 학교에서도 쉽게 구매할 수 있어 인기가 많습니다.

2위 – 새우깡

두 번째로 소개할 과자는 새우깡입니다. 새우의 향을 살려낸 짭짤한 맛과 바삭한 식감이 매력적입니다. 고소한 맛에 중독되어 매일 먹어도 좋을 정도입니다. 가격도 저렴하고 휴대하기도 편리하여 인기가 매우 높습니다.

3위 – 모나코

세 번째로 소개할 과자는 모나코입니다. 모나코는 쿠키에 초콜릿 코팅을 한 것으로, 어릴 적부터 우리나라 대표적인 과자 중 하나였습니다. 크리스마스 이벤트나 고급 선물세트에서도 자주 나오는 인기 제품입니다.

4위 – 쌀과자

네 번째로 소개할 과자는 쌀과자입니다. 쌀가루를 이용하여 만든 과자로, 바삭한 식감과 적당한 단맛이 인기입니다. 하지만 체중을 관리하시는 분들은 설탕 함량이 많아서 조금 유의해야 합니다.

5위 – 체리코크

다섯 번째로 소개할 과자는 체리코크입니다. 체리맛과 코코넛 함량이 적당한 조화를 이루며 달콤한 맛이 일품입니다. 엄마들에게 인기 있는 제품으로 소규모 제작되어 판매되어 절대로 쉽게 구할 수가 없으나, 제품의 특별함이 인기를 끌고 있습니다.

6위 – 마늘깡

여섯 번째로 소개할 과자는 마늘깡입니다. 마늘의 짠맛과 바삭한 식감이 일품입니다. 허브맛, 바베큐맛, 바게트맛 등 많은 종류의 마늘깡이 있어서 취향에 맞게 선택할 수 있습니다.

7위 – 새우깡새우

일곱 번째로 소개할 과자는 새우깡새우입니다. 새우깡보다 새우맛이 더 진하고, 크기도 더 큽니다. 짭짤한 맛이 일품이며 크기가 커서 인기가 많습니다.

8위 – 초코티라미수

여덟 번째로 소개할 과자는 마트에서 볼 수 있는 초코티라미수입니다. 초콜릿, 커피, 카스텔라를 섭취할 수 있는 최고의 연출을 자랑합니다. 초콜릿과 카스텔라 면이 조화를 이루고, 커피 아이스크림을 넣어 더 부드럽고 감미로운 카페라떼 맛을 즐길 수 있습니다.

9위 – 그린애플젤리

아홉 번째로 소개할 과자는 그린애플젤리입니다. 그린애플의 신맛과 달콤한 맛이 어우러진 조화로운 맛이 매력입니다. 젤리의 식감도 부드럽고 좋으며, 언제 어디서나 즉석에서 즐기기 좋습니다.

10위 – 꼬북칩

마지막으로 소개할 과자는 꼬북칩입니다. 겉면이 바삭한 맛과 내면이 쫀득한 식감이 일품입니다. 간단하게 먹으면서 긴 시간동안 즐길 수 있어, 초딩에서 중딩 학생들을 대상으로 대세가 되고 있습니다.


Q. 순위 선정 조건은 무엇인가요?

A. 이번 조사에서는 전국 10대를 대상으로 인기 과자를 조사했습니다. 10대들이 좋아하는 맛과 식감, 그리고 휴대성 등 다양한 요소들을 고려하여 순위를 결정했습니다.

Q. 과자를 많이 먹으면 건강에 안 좋을까요?

A. 과자는 단순한 탄수화물을 제공하기 때문에 과도한 섭취는 체중 증가와 당뇨, 고지혈증 등 건강 문제를 일으킬 수 있습니다. 그러나 적당한 량으로 섭취한다면 건강에 문제를 일으키지 않습니다.

Q. 과자의 유통기한이 얼마나 되나요?

A. 과자는 보통 4개월에서 6개월 사이의 유통기한을 가지고 있습니다. 유통기한이 지났거나 과자에 이상한 냄새나 맛이 있다면 먹지 않는 것이 좋습니다.

Q. 과자를 오래 보관하려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?

A. 과자를 오래 보관하려면 직사광선과 습기를 피하고 서늘한 곳에 보관하는 것이 좋습니다. 밀봉용기에 담아 보관하는 것도 좋은 방법입니다.

Q. 과자는 언제 먹어도 좋을까요?

A. 과자는 간식으로 먹기에 좋고, 식사 대용으로는 추천하지 않습니다. 늦은 저녁이나 새벽에 과도한 섭취는 잠을 방해할 수 있기 때문에 피하는 것이 좋습니다.

과자 순위 2022는 전국 10대들이 선택한 대표 과자를 소개해 드렸습니다. 초코송이, 새우깡, 모나코, 쌀과자, 체리코크, 마늘깡, 새우깡새우, 초코티라미수, 그린애플젤리, 꼬북칩 모두 맛있는 과자입니다. 과자는 단순한 간식으로만 생각하지 말고, 적당한 량으로 섭취하여 쉽게 만족감을 얻을 수 있도록 노력해야 합니다. 즐거운 과자 생활을 보내시길 바랍니다.

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Article link: 과자 순위.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 과자 순위.


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